Colorado Rehab & Laser Therapy
We Specialize in Treating Auto Accident Injuries

Electrical Muscle Stimulation

We use electrical muscle stimulation on injuries that are affecting the muscles in order to shorten healing time. Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), or muscle stim, is a chiropractic therapy typically applied to a patient who has a lot of pain or spasm in the area of injury or complaint. When electrical muscle stimulation is performed, mild electrical current is applied to cause fast contraction to the muscles. Electrical muscle stimulation gives the patient a tingling sensation, which for most is very soothing.

The fast contractions of the muscle experienced during this chiropractic therapy help to fatigue the muscle and allow it to relax, settling the spasm. The fast contraction also causes the body to release endorphins. The endorphins are the body’s natural pain killers, and so they help to reduce pain sensation to the area.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation is an exceptional way to help the body in the healing process. This is accomplished by sending a very small electrical current into the affected soft tissue injury or muscle spasm. The therapy utilizes this current in an effort to help reduce swelling and release trigger points that may have the muscle locked up. It does this by helping the body to release natural relievers of pain often referred to as endorphins.

This is a great therapy if there is a spasm in a back or neck muscle. It works well in relaxing the muscle and allowing it to return to its normal state rather quickly. Short therapy sessions are excellent at facilitating healing from acute and chronic pain.

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Colorado Rehab & Laser Therapy

Colorado Rehab & Laser Therapy
2620 S. Parker Rd #220
Aurora, CO 80231


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